MR Fashion Shows vs Physical Fashion Shows

June 28, 2022

MR Fashion Shows vs Physical Fashion Shows: A Comparison

Fashion shows have been a staple of the fashion industry since the mid-19th century, but with the advent of technology, a new type of fashion show has emerged: the Mixed Reality (MR) fashion show. In this blog post, we'll be comparing the two types of fashion shows and discussing their pros and cons.

MR Fashion Shows

MR fashion shows use live streaming solutions, 3D models, and immersive technology to create a virtual fashion show experience. Viewers can watch the models walk down the runway in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Some benefits of MR fashion shows include:

  • MR fashion shows are more accessible and inclusive, as viewers can attend the show from the comfort of their own homes.
  • MR fashion shows are more cost-effective, as they save designers the cost of travel, venue rental, and other expenses associated with physical fashion shows.
  • MR fashion shows offer a more immersive experience, as viewers can see the clothing from all angles and even see how it would look on themselves through augmented reality.

However, there are some drawbacks to MR fashion shows:

  • MR fashion shows lack the physical experience of a traditional fashion show, as viewers cannot touch or feel the clothing or experience the atmosphere of the event.
  • The lack of a physical audience also means that there's less opportunity for designers to network, gain exposure, and receive instant feedback.

Physical Fashion Shows

Physical fashion shows are the traditional fashion shows that take place in a physical venue, with models walking down a runway in front of a live audience.

The benefits of physical fashion shows include:

  • Physical fashion shows provide a more immersive experience for viewers, as they can see the clothing up close and experience the atmosphere of the event.
  • The live audience also provides an opportunity for designers to network and gain exposure, as well as receive instant feedback.

However, physical fashion shows also have some drawbacks:

  • Physical fashion shows are significantly more expensive than MR fashion shows, as they require the rental of a venue, the hiring of models and staff, and many other expenses.
  • Physical fashion shows are also less accessible and inclusive, as not everyone can attend the event in person.


To compare the two types of fashion shows, let's take a look at some numbers.

According to a 2018 report by Launchmetrics, the average cost of a fashion show is around $200,000. Meanwhile, a virtual fashion show can cost as little as $20,000.

In terms of reach, a physical fashion show typically has an audience of around 500 people, while a virtual fashion show can reach millions through online streaming.


In conclusion, both MR fashion shows and physical fashion shows have their pros and cons. While MR fashion shows are more cost-effective and accessible, they lack the physical experience and networking opportunities of a physical fashion show.

Ultimately, the choice between the two types of fashion shows comes down to personal preference and the goals of the designer.


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